Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Echo: 99-cent underwear

There is an echo of Budapest on American TV. The news, for instance, reports that in the wee hours Prez Bush met Hungarian Prime Minister before embarking on a more valid mission. That's just a few hours after I had the pleasure of meeting the main man of my Hungary in person. And you know what? I was impressed. He is gallant, witty, knowledgeable, even when surrounded by suits & financiers. I fell for him when, with his dagger of reason, he masterfully silenced the expat careerist youth yearning for the export of US-style love of the homeland to Hungary. You have to love Hungarian men: uniquely ego-centric and blind to the larger picture.

Picture this: bad TV always identifies vampires and lewd-like violence with Budapest, instead of Bucharest. And now one of the Baldwins fakes a quip about Budapest in a TV commercial. Jay Leno is still the wittiest. I am crazy about 99 cent stores and I free-giggle when he lines up all sorts of precious junk in his show, like an eye repair kit & a 666 cold medicine made in "US or Turkey or Korea," all found in 99 cent stores. I come to realize that I am a language philosopher that has access to deeper layers of interpretation than the average American bubba, when Leno introduces "a large bucket men's panties" for especially large size (well-hung is a new word I am learning these days), in a non-decipherable language, and I read nagymeretu ferfi alsonemu. Hey, we beat the Chinese in the 99 cent market!!!
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