Monday, July 11, 2005


Jewel falls, story ends or neverends?

It may be symbolic when jewelry takes leave from us. Some 8 years ago... (Everything is cc. 8 years ago in my life. It feels that all the exciting stuff I used to do happened to me before I came to the US to do my Phd. Of course, it is not entirely true, is it, E? But I love exaggerating and stereotyping at times.) ... So some 8 years ago I was going out with B., who is still beautiful, delicious and sweet. By accident we started our relationship ceremonially. He wove this pretty band into my hair that accompanied us for a year (2 years, he thinks), through our hitch-hiking in France and Spain, through our shady-shaky trips to Amsterdam, through our mascarade new year's eve party and that great good laugh we had at that Fassbinder movie (where people go to cry, so use your imagination). Sweet memories. Well, on the day the band fell out from my hair, we split. It was a sign, I thought. And he agreed.

Last night while combing my hair, I painlessly combed a piercing out of my ear. I got this earring while in Miami, instead of a tattoo that I thought would have been too permanent to commemorate a relationship that were not to be made permanent itself. (But by whose fault? I still wonder.) There is one more tiny piercing in my ear and I am cooking up tricks on how to get rid of it by accident. Any ideas? I am thinking of hot passionate lovemaking when lover accidentally bites it off from ear. Jaj.
ok, I'm sharpening my teeth...
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