Friday, July 01, 2005


Columbia Sociology meet-up on Andrassy

I felt so elated on Wednesday. We arranged a pre-conference meet-up with our Columbia Sociology buddies at our local cafe at the Opera on Andrassy street. A really nice spot. Friends I have not seen for years kept arriving. There is so much joy in these moments of meeting after so long. These days, after graduating from Columbia, they are dispersed all over the world: Atlanta, Washington, England, Italy. It was amazing to come together again, to see how being a professor may have altered their lives. We went for a nice dinner accompanied with the obligatory palinka (peach brandy). Isil and I walked Laura home after visiting Heros' Square where the statues of our major kings are safely back to their places, reminding us of our long and at times happier history. The Museum of Fine Arts is opening a new Durer exhibit and on that night each of its (6?) Greek doric columns had a masterful & muscular mountain climber hanging. What a sight. Somewhat(?) sexy.
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