Friday, June 17, 2005


Uncle G

First perk of the job. I spent 3 hours in the same room with Uncle George and heard how big men decide the destiny of loads of money and the home of so many intellectuals. Cool I say.

Also met WiktorO finally amidst the craziness of board meeting and graduation ceremony. He used to be one of my coolest professors, beside DavidO. I love him. I think the last time I saw him was when he took me to Carnegie. He looked so happy and healthy, he enjoys the freedom of being an academic the same way as we enjoy sipping good wine in Florence. So once again I got inspired. This life ain't that bad.
Szia Böbe!

Olvasgatni fogom a blogodat, lusta vagyok angolul írni, holnap utazunk Kölnbe és sajnálom, hogy nem volt időm összefutni veled, annnyi dolgom volt!

De nagyon édes voltál, hogy megszervezted, hogy ellátogass hozzánk, és sok szeretettel gondolok rád!

Sorry folks, I am lazy to translate, but I love Bobe, that is the message :).

See you, have a beautiful summer!
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