Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Love is in the mailbox!

I knew from the idiotic monkey peeking through the slit of the mailbox that it is HER! Her package arrived, and I started to grin like I grin when I talk to her or IM her. I needed to laugh out loud next to the teenage boy with dreadlocks (hmm, in Budapest) who must have thought I am crazy for behaving like a teenage lover when he could greet me with 'kezit csokolom' (I kiss your hands. - a formal greeting for old ladies, arghjgrr!!!). But she is so much fun and I knew that opening her envelope will be a real adventure. And it was, because I received:
* Joy, lovely Tazo tea we last shared together
* Chicks rule! very sexy underwear
* pretty little pink sash from Korea
* the sexy architecture of rings-in-rings-looped-around earring I lost when I returned to New York from her home
* and so on and on and on

The CIKI (slang for embarrasing) was that the addressee on the envelope was "The Young Pioneer" - (hey, they understand that here!) but I was informed in the letter that all the pretty gifts are to decieve the enemy, but I should be reminded that I am on a secret mission here. She is hilarious.
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