Thursday, June 09, 2005


Lost soul, got life

It's official. I sold my soul yesterday to the Entity, but losing soul has advantages. I am back in the Game. And loving the bearable lightness of being laced with coy smiles, playful glances and accidental touches. My armor is on, my past is gone.

And our Zsuzsi is still way too young to be married, doing her PhD, being so smart and sweet. It was her birthday yesterday and we celebrated in Castro with the sweet tiny chocolate cake her sister brought, and Sanyi, the formerly homeless dog under our feet. Sanyi is a sucker for love and when he had noone to love him he was literally a sucker for love. Embarassing bit of info.

It is cool to have Balazs, the cute blind art critic as a friend because he is smart, sassy and sensitive and has cute art critic friends who are smart, sassy and sensitive. I missed him.

A few weeks ago I met him in Cha-cha-cha, a party spot on Margaret Island next to the running track (weird, ha?). He was with Zsolt, music art critic, who magically transformed into a hilarious, "porgos" (spinner?) cutie from the boy who 8 years ago loaded the insides of his insides into our tiny bathroom sink during one of our crazy parties. Klari was also with us. She is a very horizontal, always hungry but lazy dog-girl. Though I knew barely anyone at the party, Klari was greeted by name by several strangers before she gathered all her strength and climbed the stairs to the gyros place, leaving us in dispair. Good that Klari is such a party girl because she was soon recognized and reported back to us.
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