Thursday, June 02, 2005


Here and there and everywhere

I have friends. Who knew? It seems that doing your PhD sentences you for eternal isolation, you feel cut off from the world, soul from body, body from soul, you lose sleep, friends, hair, youth and all you get is a fat ass. (That is, if you are as advanced in gym-phobia as I am.) So back to friends. I discovered I have friends again (in NYC) when we split with PB. Friends came to the rescue: they caressed me, took me up for nights, dragged me to yoga (ah it was so good), cooked me dinner, invented depaulification, put up with too-young-smelly-feet-Colombians only for my joy (yep, it was a misunderstanding), they flew in from St. Louis for my birthday as a surprise and cooked goulash for the Goulash Communism party where friends took the pioneers' oath. They listened to my soul-searching and soul-wrenching, and even tried to set me up for blind-dates.

This was no good for me, friends. It was so hard to leave you behind in New York and come to Budapest where I thought I had no friends left after being away for so many years. I was so wrong. They are here, in every corner, cafe and bar of this city. Friends just pop up from the past, from unexpected places and I am filled with glee. I hang out a lot with high-school friends. They are so cute, warm-hearted and giving that sometimes I need to cry when they surprise me (like lending me a digital camera for the summer, or calling me up to check that I am doing my work. That's Cucu!). But then there are others like the Linguist who can cure souls with such a touch and place you into the right networks with such generosity. Then there is PB in BP (coincidental initial, this time a girl, but it is still love!!) whose romantic house is my nest to recuperate and feel that in nature energy is recycled so there is always room for growth and revival and new life. Especially in her daughter's amazing smile. It is hard to do work in this city because every day I could go out to meet with friends, have several dates a day and still not feel it was enough. I love it. How could I have lived without this so long?
Of course, there are plenty of us out there that love you...
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