Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Columbia in Budapest

Tonight I went to a friendly gathering of Columbia alumni and any souls who are somehow related to Columbia. Mind you, they were mostly lawyers. Regina, foundress and PR-temptress was also there. I really enjoy her company and look forward to seeing her at Project Retour meet-ups. I finally met R&B with whom I have so many common friends but we never crossed paths. R is doing a documentary on her father's involvement in 1956 (revolution, anti-revolution, blood-shedding uprising...) the 50th anniversary of which is just around the corner. She has some energy! B deserted sociology for business but *still* nice and intelligent. Cute couple. Met Ed Rekosh from PILI whose name I recalled from his article I cite in my work. Very intelligent and kind. We talked of his work in Romania, how slow it is to change culture and his colleague who attends our nonprofit workshop at Columbia. Such a small world. One thing is sure. Erika, the Linguist is the central node in all networks that surround me! She knows R&B, Regina, and Ed and me, all separately.

Ed even brought us gifts from Columbia's 250th anniversary. Little blocks of photos you can arrange into all sorts of pictures. Very cool. I miss Columbia. How did I get here so fast? Need to go and get this idea out of my mind.

On Friday I am going to a CEU alumni party. This week is under the aegis of my alma mater (almae mater?, it is good that Pokos who taught me Latin for years cannot read English so well. What's the plural conjugation here?)
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