Sunday, June 26, 2005



I think I've been around the block way too many times. I should be safely locked away from this city surrounded by cutiepie kids and stellar husband. (ok, I am just saying this because it is one good extreme. You can also lock me away into a nunnery.) Budapest is so small that I keep running into men of my past, at a bar, on the subway, at the pharmacist, on the street, and so on. Now you think I've been really around the block, but I am just joking. All I mean is that this city is small and livable and human. But not always in the best way. Maybe all I am saying is that I am not 18 anymore and feel envious of girls in skirts as tiny as my palm. Or maybe all I mean is that I miss those times. This week I am filled with ambivalence and doubt. I suspect the reason. I've been reading Henry & June by Anaïs Nin. I am mesmerized and moved from toe to head, and my heart is turned upside down, inside out, duelling with my brain. I question every move I made in my emotional life. I discover bits of my self in the weirdest half sentences of Anaïs Nin. This is no media to explain it. But I never before felt like this while reading a book. Henry is hot.
you shouldn't be whining about no one leaving comments after your postings. since when has life in new york become so boring? budapest sounds so fabulous and so does your life. you make readers like me feel so envious.
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