Sunday, May 29, 2005


You are all Hungarians

Reading the newspapers in Hungary reminds me that all famous people in the world are indeed Hungarians, have some good Hungarian blood in their veins, had Hungarian moms, grand-daddies, whatever, but anyone blessed with artistic or scientific genius hails from this tiny nation's bossom. Have any doubts? I'll have a long list by the end of the summer. Here is a starter for top magyars: George Soros, Jimmy Ramone, Alanis Morrisette (has Hungarian mom), Zsa-zsa Gabor, Tony Curtis. A good number of Nobel prize winners like Albert Szent-Györgyi, Robert Bárány, Elie Wiesel, recent awardee Imre Kertész. This week Peter Lax who resides in NYC received the Maths-Nobel award. And of course, you know George Pataki and Andrew Hevesi, who I even talked to in Hungarian. The funniest Hungarian is Shrek. Historians claim that the word 'ogre' actually refers to Hungarians because in the Middle Ages the mighty Ugri (Hungarians) used to scare those sissy Western Europeans to death and the latter mythologized us as blood-sucking cannibal monsters.
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