Sunday, May 29, 2005


Love Scene

"Love Scene. Eni and Bela, please, go to stage." - comes from the loudspeaker at the Budapest Opera House when I am walking back to my apartment after a night drink. I love being back in Budapest more and more. In the early afternoons I can hear opera singers practicing their arias while I am working, and there is vast sereneness and beauty that I last felt in Florence. This must be the Europe thing. I love NYC dearly, but I rarely feel being embraced by beauty there. Only in the sequioas or the shores of California, perhaps. (Funnily, only places where I went with PB.) I have to run now to meet a blonde angel from high school. Now he is at Harvard and I am amazed to have just realized that he regularly publishes in ES, among other things, about civil society development, and he researches civil organizations. This should be fun.
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